Monday, July 8, 2013

Some explanations...

For me, the most frustrating part of songwriting is the constant flood of ideas and then the subsequent drought that follows. For the past year I've been fortunate enough to have a steady flow of ideas and topics to write about. One thing to know about my song writing is that it was never intended to be shared with anyone and only a mechinism to entertain myself and to keep my own sanity.

When we started Wind & Waves I already had a few songs written but was hesitant to share them. However having good friends as Zac and Joanna encouraged me to take that proverbial leap of trust. The first song I shared with the two of them was called "It Wasn't Love." I like to say that it's a song about missed placed feelings.  It has a sense of a secret relationship. An idea that I think not  too many people like to admit they find intriguing. Now not a secret relationship in the sense of an affair or cheating. But in more of an intimate connection between two people. And because no one else knows about their connection the outside world has no direct say or sway in their affairs.  The story line of the song ends in medio. The final outcome is never revealed.  What is life without a healthy dose of tragedy? And the fleet feet of what we may construe as love will continue to move on to the next. Though that doesn't mean they may not circle back around to a former face.

With a blog post like this I think I may create separate posts regarding the meanings or at least the feelings that brought about some of our songs. This sould be interesting.

Until then....
-Adam, W&W

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